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Old 08-22-2011, 12:41 PM
oarai's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Missouri!
Posts: 37

It's finished! Hurray! I've been working on it for quite a while now. Ever since teaching myself how to quilt in January, the line of people who think I'd like nothing better than to make them a quilt had grown. After my first one, I finished one for my mother, and made up a new one for my sister's graduation. They both love theirs, but I was feeling the need to make one for -myself-.

I mean yeah, I did keep my first one, but it's just big enough to use on the couch, or (maybe) nap under, if you're a smaller person than I am. But I wanted a bed-sized quilt. Then, forgetting my current bed is small, I went and made a big ol' thing.

Caithe, top by unkrikkett, on Flickr

Anywho, here it is! Based off the Chain of Faith quilt on the Moda bakeshop, done with the Origins by Basic Grey fabric line. I had a jelly roll of it sitting around for a while, and was glad I found another so I could make this!

Caithe's Closeup by unkrikkett, on Flickr

I ended up naming it Caithe, because I cannot for the life of me remember the proper name for the pattern and it ended up being called "chains of Caithe" while making it, so why not? I'ma huge Guild Wars nerd anyway.

Anyway! The quilting on it was just your normal meandering stitches, with sharp corners and straight-ish lines. If I had it again to do over I would not have done it so small, because it took forever on my little machine.

From the back. by unkrikkett, on Flickr

Her backside is mostly just a solid yellow, aside from the little stripe of leftovers from the top. I ended up using leftovers for the binding too, so I ended up using pretty much every bit of fabric!

Caithe, finished~! by unkrikkett, on Flickr

Then a bit of both the front and the back all at once.

I think I'm finally getting the hang of binding up quilts now, which is grand. Now to rest for a few days while I decide which project of the three(!) I have fabric for is next...
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