Thread: Manners?
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Old 08-23-2011, 08:24 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2011
Location: Springfield, Illinois
Posts: 645

Yes, I do, and have taught my children to do so as well. They also address their elders as ma'am and sir. They do NOT address an adult by his or her first name until given permission by that adult, and then they say "miss" or "mister" in front of it. They give up their seats to anyone older - male or female - and take a place at the END of the line at church dinners and ladies meetings. At the ladies' meetings they hang around the door and offer to hang up jackets, or take them to the bedroom, whichever the hostess as indicated. These are the rules for the children in my home whether they are biological, adopted, fostered, or visiting schoolmates. Period. Thank You.
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