Thread: The Quake...
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Old 08-23-2011, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by DebsShelties
The safest place in an Earthquake is OUTSIDE in the open where things can't fall on top of you! Especially if you are near the center and buildings are coming down.
A doorway or under a table is for tornados.
I used to live in San Diego, we had Earthquakes a lot. Everyone knew what to do when they happened.
Table or a doorway are not going to protect you if the structure comes down.
I grew up in the middle of the US and for an earthquake it was always taught doorway or heavy furniture such as a table (not that we ever needed to even though we were on the largest fault line in the US). For a tornado you get as low as you can such as a basement (best) or a room with no windows if you don't have a basement. I've seen houses where only the floor and the basement stairs were left, the house was a couple miles down the road.
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