Old 08-24-2011, 02:49 AM
Rebecca VLQ
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: North Carolina
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Awwwwww, Jan! That sounds like the universe giving you a lil dose of karma!

(Can I giggle just a little? Please?)

FWIW, we run a fairly tidy house, but with two kids there's crumbs sometimes. So far this year (knock on wood) we haven't had any. But it's probably because DH has caulked every stinkin' hole those suckers can get in! We've had ants come in with weather changes...if it gets unusually rainy after a dry spell, or if it gets super dry they come in looking for water (or so I'm told), or the first cold day after a long lazy fall.

Ants happen. And I think they are right at the top of the list of not-favorite creatures that includes mosquitoes, flies, and spiders. :P
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