Old 08-24-2011, 07:04 AM
Jan in VA
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Location: Piedmont Virginia in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns.
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Thank all of you for your great tips!!
I've tried many of them with varying degrees of success over the years and only opted for the strong, poisonous stuff this year out of final frustration.

They already seem diminished since last Sunday's heavy rain. <punching fist in the air> Yeah!! Can hardly wait for the predicted hurricane this weekend to just drown those little suckers; doubt seriously it'll bother me much as I plan to pretty much sleep through it all! :mrgreen:

As of this year, this cottage has been here for 200 years, through the War in the 1860s, the rebuilding of my beautiful state in the rest of the 1800s, Hurricane Camille in 1969, through a tornado in 2002, and who knows what other mishaps along the way. The roof doesn't leak normally (though I will have to remember to hike to the attic and close the window at the top of the stairs), so I should be fine for a day of inland hurricane this weekend.

Let's hope the DAs won't!

Jan in VA
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