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Old 08-24-2011, 08:24 AM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Evansville, Wyoming
Posts: 24

Last year I made enough for my husband and myself. I made strawberry/pineapple, strawberry/rhubard, strawberry/banana, banana nut bread jam, blueberry, and peach jam. Most people cook their peaches down and them make jelly out of it. My Mother-in-law showed me that she just peeled and cored the peaches and them threw them in a blender and made jam with it. It saves so much time and you actually get little chunks of peaches in it. My husband's favorite. I use the peach peelings, the seed and any buised parts of the peaches (water added) to make jelly. Adding the seed makes the jelly a beautiful color.
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