Thread: Hurricane Tips
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Old 08-26-2011, 09:21 AM
Scrap Happy
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Bamagal great tips!

If you take medications make sure you have enough for at least 2 weeks.

If any of your medications need to be refrigerated make sure you have plenty of ice on hand.

After the storm to cool down place a damp cold towel around your neck (using ice water from a cooler)

We evacuated with family pictures but couldn’t fit all of them for a hurricane in 04’ for Hurricane Jean. I wrapped up the pictures we were leaving behind (limited space) and put them in a plastic bag with my name, address and phone number in case they blew away and someone found them.

If possible back up your photos on your computer on a flash drive and take them with you if you evacuate.

Prepare to have 1 gallon of drinking water per person and per pet for each day you are without power.

Some thoughts for Pets:

After the Storm: To cool off dogs & cats take a towel, hand towel or wash cloth, depending on size of your pet, wet it down and put it on ice from the cooler. Put the cold towel on your pets back or around their neck. You can also place their paws in cold water to bring down their body temperature. We kept an extra cooler for the pets and rotated towels so there was always a cold one for them.

After a storm ALWAYS keep your pet on a leash. They can get spooked from the debris and run off in fear even if they are a well trained dog that normally would never do his.

Keep pet toys on hand to comfort them during and after a storm or if you evacuate.

If you are going to evacuate keep pet records with you to show proof of vaccines being up to date.

If you evacuate bring pet medications, toys, blankets, leashes and cages if you use them. It doesn’t hurt to take extra paper towels and/or towels on hand for upset tummies.

Be safe. Hugs & prayers.
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