Old 08-26-2011, 09:39 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Troy, MI
Posts: 95

We're ending a long summer of youngest 23 at home. He graduated in spring and hopes to get into a grad program somewhere. Next week he returns to his college town to wait for the next chapter in his life. I keep warning him to find a refrigerator box so he can live under a bridge. (kidding) Our oldest 28 is still home after 4 years at college. If AND when she gets a job in forensics, we hope that she can stay in the area, because she is diabetic and needs help for emergency illnesses. She had that a month ago with an intestinal infection - 3 days in the hospital and a week to recover. The middle child is employed and just bought his own house (with our help). He's 3 miles from us and it is just a little too close. He still stops in and looks through the frig after playing hockey. Or he calls here so Dad can run down to feed his two dogs and let them out. I'd really like to get rid of all their "stuff" that is stored here. It is cramping my sewing area. DH retired 4 years ago at 56 and I was 52. It seems like the house is always full. I was alone more when they were in school.

We do belong to an "Empty Nester" group at church. But our only rule for membership is "your youngest child must have graduated from high school." We all know they can return....
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