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Old 08-27-2011, 07:16 PM
Kristin in ME
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Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Maine, U.S.A.
Posts: 536

Originally Posted by clynns
Here's what I do. I go to the dollar store and buy the photo albums for $1.00. The I cut a piece of paper the same size as the 'album'. At the top of the paper I write the collection. Example: Oasis (Moda). Then when I make my first purchase I cut the selvage edge that shows the COLOR not the plain white with numbers about 2 inches long. I then go to the website for the manufacturer and look up the collection. I glue or staple the piece of selvage edge to the paper. Under the fabric I put the item number according to the website along with how many yards that I have purchased. I put it in my purse and I know exactly which ones I've purchased and how much yardage. So far I have 3 pages, 6 per page and 1 page with the directions of yardage needed to make the quilt. I always round up 1/4 yard and if I fussy cut, I round up 1 yard. Hope this is clear as mud. It doesn't weigh alot and I always have it on me. Cheryl
This is a great idea. I have a quilt in mind that will have a LOT of different fabrics. I've started collecting for it and am a little concerned that I might buy repeats as time goes on. I guess I could make up a sample book like this and bring it along with me when I shop...
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