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Old 08-28-2011, 01:28 AM
Marge L.
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Marengo, Iowa
Posts: 802

Originally Posted by EagarBeez
Was at my local walmart yesterday... was in town, but, just wanted to see what was going on with our fabric dept. It had been larger, but, had been cut down to an aisle. I saw they had widened the aisle and put in some beautiful fat quarters for 97 cents. There was a woman cutting fabric.
Part of the aisle that had fat quarters, had some chains, and things like that for jewlery I would assume. Much smaller jewlery area. They moved cards, wrappings, wedding towards the toy dept. There was lots of wool on the back wall. I noticed the wider aisle and fat quarters. I said to her do you know anthing about if and when fabric will come back. She heard, the wool will be moved to an aisle. The back wall will be all fabric, as well as some tables in the main aisle. I could have kissed her. She did not know the date, but anytime between now and the earlier part of next year. She also went on to tell me that corporate told the manager that the fabric dept must have some one there between 7-9 each day. They figure not too many people shopping after 9 for fabric. She said there are 10 that have been trained for different days and shifts. Boy oh boy I was doing the happy dance

Went into the Coralville WM last wk. and a big sign at the main entrance announced that the fab dept. would be back in Sept. Checked on that. It was a mess. All pre-cuts were gone. Notions scattered. Everything topsy-turvy. But I was happy. Next time I'm back I'll check again. Went to the brand new WM in Iowa City. They have a fab dept. but it was very small. The store has been opened only a month or so and it takes a while to get all established. So maybe there's hope.
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