Old 08-28-2011, 05:58 PM
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I sent you an e-mail, but the washer isn't in any of the directions nor is it on any of the feet I've seen on the net. It could easily be a part that "found" its way into your box or something the prior owner used. Mine does not have this felt washer.[/quote]

thanks for the email, just to update, it's rubber and it wasn't just loose in the box. i had taken the foot to the Atl get together, put it on my FW and run the machine for about 10 mins with the foot on it and when I went to pull it off the machine to put it back in it's box, it seemed to leap off the penguin!! so you can inagine why i thouoght it came off the foot. But I do agree i don't see anything on Candace's, nor is it in my pictures in the manual so i guess i will write it off as look i have a piece left over afterwards
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