Old 08-29-2011, 06:11 AM
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Originally Posted by LLWinston44
OMG I'm just sick!!! My sewing machine (Baby Lock Elizabeth, an infant at just 4ish months old!!) is sick!!!!!

I'm fairly new to sewing and I have no idea what I did other than to use some other thread other than the Aurifil that I've been using.

I went to my LQS to ask what a thread was that was in some hand me down sewing supplies. They said it was what they USED to sell (I can't remember the brand) until they learned how 'not good' it was. I told them I was making baskets and that I didn't want to use the Aurifil on it, being that its so expensive, and they said go for it, try that stuff.

Well, I did. It did seem to be having a hard time "pulling" the thread through, but I thought it was because it was a huge spool and that maybe it was having to pull it harder so I kept trying to set the spool at an easier position.

Then, the basket was done and I was just working on some practice FMQ and suddenly it locked up! I got everything out, redid all the thread, ran it for a second and it did it again. I decided it was the thread, pulled it out, put the Aurifil back in and now it's just locked. Can't even turn the wheel!!!!!

I am SOOOOOOOO upset!! I'll call the dealer tomorrow and hope that it's still under warranty. I'm so so sad!

Besides the issue...... I can't imagine that I'll be UNABLE to sew for who knows how long!!!!!! UGH!!
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
For crying out loud! I'm sorry your machine is having trouble, but will bet the machine is defective. If a sewing machine is so sensitive that it will only work with one kind of thread, it is too sensitive. I own three machines--a 1940's era Singer, a 1950's era Kenmore, and a Janome 4800 and they frequently sew with thread from my mother's stash, some of which is probably 50 years old.
I hope your machine is under warranty. If I were you, I would consider replacing it. froggyintexas
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