Old 08-29-2011, 07:01 AM
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Wow, you guys are great, and so filled with info!!!! Thank you to all of you!!!!

No, I do not snip and pull, I always pull back but never will again!!! I didn't even think of that, but it makes sense. And now that I think about it, the thread did seem 'tight' when I'd pull it out.

I don't KNOW if the machine is/was sensitive to the thread, it's just that it coincided with this issue, so I'm blaming it on that.

I have 'sort of' kept the bobbin area clean. I did notice a large, hard to get puffball of lint though that was either new, or that I'd missed.

Thanks vickig for fellow BL info. I have totally LOVED this machine until this. It's like butter with a hot knife! I would hate to think there was anything that I couldn't rely on with them!!!

I don't know how to open the top, or even to know whats on the inside, so I'm just going to take it in. If they are there, I will ask to watch what they do. I'm betting they'll have to send it out though.

Well, like others suggested..... I'm going to cut for my next project(s). I have a Bow Tucks to do for my sons Marine Recruiter. (Michael has been in for 2 years, but his recruiter saved him in boot camp when he was wrongly arrested. LONG story, but basically way above and beyond the job description of the recruiting office. I will forever be grateful to him. If he wants a BT, a BT he'll get!!LOL) Then my big quilt project that's ready to cut, but I've been putting off for some 'time'.... Better watch what I wish for! lol

I'll let you know when I know anything! :o)
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