Thread: Manners?
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Old 08-30-2011, 02:19 AM
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Originally Posted by luv2so
Yes I do. It amazes me how many people don't have manners any longer. I also say excuse me when walking in front of someone when they're looking at something. We have custody of a granddaughter, she uses the same manners. People are amazed that she has such "nice manners." I wish you could have been in the subdivision we just moved from last Friday. I've never seen such rude, unmannered children in my life. They'd come to our home at 8 a.m. and tell me they can stay for lunch, invite themself to dinner, etc. I finally had to tell them it's not polite to invite yourself to dinner.

They'd constantly ask to have dinner with us, go places with us, pick up the phone and listen in while I was on the phone. That really ticked me off. For the first time in my life I went to a parent about this. Unbelievable manners.
I, too, say excuse me when there's not ample space to walk behind someone, and I have to walk in front of them. To those children who say they can stay for lunch, I'd say "No. You are going to eat lunch at your home." Have you ever set a kitchen timer for the length that these 'visitors' can stay? Might not be a bad idea. That way they start to realize that their time with you is limited when they come to play.

Where I work, I'm in contact with a lot of younger children. One of them yesterday kept saying "Hey" to get my attention. I kept telling him my name what my name was or if he wanted to, he could just say nurse instead of hey. He didn't get the hint, neither did any of the adults in the room.
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