Old 08-31-2011, 02:16 PM
Jan in VA
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Piedmont Virginia in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mtns.
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Originally Posted by Terricat
Jan,were you an English teacher?? You write so creatively and with such finesse. I also do NOT rinse my dishes before they go in the dishwasher, but the chunks do get scraped down the garbage disposal---that's all. I recently had to cave in and run the dishwasher with very few items in it because something smelled atrocious!!!! No ants though---knock on wood really fast! Hang in there - I enjoy reading ALL of your posts! :)
Aren't you adorable! Thank you for the sweet comments.
No, I'm not an English teacher; not even a college graduate, truth be known. But I was blessed to have an truly amazing secondary education with many of our public high school teachers bearing Masters and PHD degrees. I've always been rather verbal (just ask my mother :? ) and at one point wanted to study to be an interpreter at the UN.
Now that I live singly - can't say "alone" because there are close neighbors and lots of animals around, and then there's this board available 24/7 - I spend a lot of time writing instead of talking on the phone....hate holding that for very long anyway as it makes my fingers and hands tingle and go numb. I love to read and have been pressured to write a book since I was a very young adult. But, after all this time, like the previously mentioned science fiction stories and energies toward housekeeping....like that's gonna happen!!

I'll just keep 'speaking' my piece (and sometimes my peace) and enjoy what everyone else has to say as well.:-)

Jan in VA
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