Old 09-01-2011, 11:27 PM
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: PA
Posts: 675

I'm a 2 year survivor.

OC has almost no symptoms. That's why so many die from it. They're working on finding a test, but for now a CT scan is the only way & it's not fool proof. Many to most docs ignore the few symptoms you may have & brush them off as PMS or menopause. We women are used to monthly bloating, pain, appetite changes, etc, so they get ignored by us & our docs.


My Gyn/Oncologist said my softball sized tumor was probably growing for 2 years. It wasn't until it started pressing on the rest of my organs & causing problems, did I have any symptoms that had me insisting something was really wrong & not menopause. 3 trips to the doc, many urine tests, internals, etc, & not a clue. By then a month had passed. It wasn't until I had a CT scan that they found the softball sized cyst & then they weren't sure it was cancer. 3 docs told me they didn't think it was cancer, but just a cyst. My gut told me better & off to surgery I went. The cancer had spread to my acities(abdominal fluid), but no where else. I was lucky. I had to go for chemo treatments & have been cancer free for 2 years, 1 month & 2 days :).

Ladies do NOT let any doc tell you it's just a bad period, PMS or menopause. Insist on testing, testing & more testing, including a CT Scan. If you are told you have a large cyst seek out a Gynocology Oncologist, as they are the only ones who know how to deal with cancer. Early detection is key to surviving Ovarian Cancer.
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