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Old 09-02-2011, 02:33 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Northern California mountains
Posts: 12,538

I have been quilting a bit under 11 years. I work at it and make an effort to improve. Some of my quilts are the 'quick and dirty' variety. Some are 'serious'. Lots of people I know view me as a fine quilter. I know others who definitely look down on my quilting. The MAIN reason I quilt is that it gives me pleasure. I am certainly my own worst critic. I know I could be much better if I took quilting more seriously, but then it would probably be WORK. I am saying all this because I am very aware that I make mistakes. I fix them if they bother me, ignore them if they don't. I have a friend who does about 1/4 as much as I do and frets over every detail. I feel glad that I am not on that 'page'.

Try to figure out what about your quilts bothers you. Maybe you need to tune up your machine, or slow down to make them come out more to your liking. Sometimes a little trick or 2 helps. I was in a group sewing session where a much more experienced quilter was griping that she always has trouble getting seams to meet up properly, even though she pins and repins. I was able to show her the trick of flipping the upper seam allowance towards the needle, so that the already sewn seam is held in place. this trick solved almost all of MY seam matching problems and it did for her too.

I strongly suggest that you figure out ONE thing that bothers you about one of your quilts. Ask about how to fix that one problem. I'm sure someone here has figured out a solution and will be more than ready to help. Just work on that one thing until you are more confident to go on.

another way to look at it is to look at one of your first endevors and see you much you have improved. Until this month, I had my first quilt hanging over my desk. I could see a hundred things wrong with it....or a hundred ways I am a better quilter now.
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