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Old 09-02-2011, 11:03 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2011
Location: League City, Texas
Posts: 504

I totally agree with you. I have always worked because I am 18 years younger than he but he was my hero and inspiration. He encouraged my quilting, even bought me a long arm quilting machine but often teased about all the fabric I bought. After he passed away my machine went untouched and sometimes I couldn't bare to even look at my stash. Now I am taking classes again and getting back to it and find I even love it more because of his encouragement and patience.
Originally Posted by Normacharlie
My husband is deceased but he never questioned what I bought or why, it was our money not his, whether I worked or not! He was a true gem and I miss him everyday. Trust me if all husbands were as patient with their wives (not other people) there wouldn't be divorces.
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