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Old 02-05-2007, 04:20 PM
patricej's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Southeast Georgia, USA
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Every machine I've ever had came with a darning foot recommended for freemotion quilting and embroidery. Yeegads!!! Am I awful at both!!! If you said my freemotion quilting was horrible, you'd be praising it too much. So, this particular 2-cents may only be worth a plug nickel. But I discovered something by accident yesterday that has given me my first ray of hope.

I bought a new machine over the weekend. It came with one of the fancy-shmancy darning/quilting/embroidery feet. The kind with a spring and a circle that rests lightly on the surface of the quilt while you're working. Much nicer than any of the others I have.

Being as easily distracted by shiny objects as I am, I put everything else aside to play with it. The difference is amazing!!! I wouldn't say I'm putting a "professional machine quilter" sign on my mailbox ... but ... for the first time ever I didn't hate my little sample. As soon as I finish my most pressing "gotta finishit" project, I am going to practice, practice, practice. It finally feels like it'll be worth the effort.
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