Old 09-03-2011, 01:00 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Bard,California
Posts: 697

There are lots of plans but we've learned as we go along too.I did a life style change as I knew the hardest part was keeping the weight off.A lot of us yo yo ed and just gained more weight.I been watching a lot of you-tube video's this past month on losing weight and have learned a bunch about how we get there and how to get it off.Ellen Mcauley's channel is Pray It Off,and she's funny and tells some funny stories about her life.We all can relate to her,she's a mom and teaches a weight loss class.She kept me in stitches while watching her video's.I learned a lot from her,she goes over all the diets out there.Another one I watched and I think the best one to start with is Steve Turano on the Body Performance u-tube channel.He is a fitness trainer and gets down to the nitty gritty of how our body works and how to get fat off and keep it off.He has over 200 video's on nothing but weight loss.So,I'd recomend him also.If you watch these 2 channels video's of which are all on nothing but losing weight,you'll learn more about what works and what doesn't.A lot of people want to lose weight,but don't know how to do it healthy,and stay with it no matter what.If we slip,I have many times,Get back up and just keep going.That's how I got down to 157 from 250 was by keep going even if I gained weight,of which I did,I caught it and got back on.I been at a stand still now for 2 months I think.Not gaining,but not losing either.Been hotter than heck here,so am hoping the weather will lighten up a bit.I am going to start a new plan today.I been on TV dinners and a green salad for the past 4 yrs,and is portion control,and healthy.And has worked great.But I need a change now or something to kick it up a notch.So am going on spirutien for 3 weeks,then more vegan with cooked vegies as well as raw ones,cause I do like my foods cooked somewhat.At least aladente.So am hoping that will get me the rest of the way home to where I need to be.I have tried and am trying new things all the time.We can't be complacent and keep doing what we did to get us fat in the first place.It didn't work.I love ice cream etc too,but can't have them.Or if I do,it's a small cone and not a bowl.Moderation is the key.Anyway,please watch these channels on utube to help you out.I watched them late at night a few at a night.But came here too during the day off and on.This is a great group of people who do really care about you.It's nice to have this thread to get to know one another on a more personal basis.I know we're all going to lose a ton of weight this month.I know I'm going to give it my best shot.Good luck!and never give up,and 3 pounds a month does add up.Look at me!!!!!!!!!
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