Old 09-03-2011, 03:01 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Bard,California
Posts: 697

They have new snacks out now made up of sweet potatoes that are great.Look for snacks in the vegan area too that are natural and low to no fat.I am not a vegetarian,I love my steak too much.I snack on apples and vegies too.And cheese.I love cheese,sorry.And dill pickles,but watch if you can't have sodium.If you do the south beach diet,you can have UNLIMITED quantities of what the plan says you can eat.UNLIMITED!!But you can ONLY eat what's on for those phases that your in.Ok.I'm going to throw out a challenge this month,as I haven't done one AND need to.I'm doing a 5 pound challenge this month.I'm challenging all of you to a 5 pound loss.That's only 1.25 pounds a week.I didn't lose any last month,so need a challenge.If I got a goal,I work harder.So,lets do a 5 pound challenge,who's in?I'm in!Karen?how bout you?who else?
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