Thread: I'm in Shock!!
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Old 09-04-2011, 10:23 AM
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Sun City, AZ
Posts: 42

Originally Posted by KarenR
Fabric- yes it keeps going up.
I'm done buying (I think)
Well, I thought I was done buying more material, unless I needed a wide backing, or a fabric that did not live in my extensive stash...........until this past Friday.

If any of you live near a Sun City or Retirement Communities.....look to their never ending supply of Yard Sales and Estate Sales. In AZ, the temps have been in the 110-117 for a good part of the summer....last count was 29 days I think, 13 of them consecutive, so it's put a monkey wrench in the yard sales, but you can usually find them here and there. Now that it's suppose to be cooling down to the lower 100's and eventually the 80's-90's, and the Winter people are coming back there will be a ton of yard sales until about late May. Estate sales go on every week, and there are usually anywhere from 3-5 of them. We are in an over 55 Community and people die, go into nursing homes or assisted living and their children get rid of the stuff they don't want themselves.

If it's families selling fabric and craft items, they often consider it just a bunch of junk and you can get it rather reasonably. If it goes to an estate sale, you will have them mark the prices much higher.....although I've gotten a plastic bin a little bigger than a shoe box full of scrapbooking stuff for $5, and when I got home and added up the prices of the things in it, it was well over $100 of stuff if you paid full price for the bargains are out there. This past Friday, I picked up some good WOW fabric for $5 for about 7 yds.

So don't rule out the Yard Sales for bargains.
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