Old 09-05-2011, 09:29 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Bard,California
Posts: 697

Originally Posted by oldcottontop
Good morning to all. Thank you everyone of you. If it had not been for this thread, I could not have lost the weight on my own...Again, Thank you.

I hope everyone has been having a wonderful weekend. Louisiana has been having a lot of rain...one good thing about all this rain...the temps are suppose to stay in the low 80's next week.....Yay....Yay.

For the new ones just joining this month, there are a lot of caring, loving, supportive people on this thread. Checking in every day was a very good thing. It keeps you accountable to yourself. Telling someone that understood what I was attempting to do and knowing that I would not be judged was a tremendous help. So check in often.

Ya'll have a wonderful, blessed day.
Boy,that is so true,these are not a judgmental group at all.Everybody is welcome.Don't care if your blue,red,black,white,or pockadoted,gay,straight,bi,married,single,transgen der,or young or old,600 pounds,or 130 pounds,healthy,or like some of us,have disabilities of all sorts.A lot of us have daily pain that we have to work thru too.We are all here because no.1 we love quilting,and no. 2,because of this great thread MJ is running.We are a diverse mixture and have a wealth of knowledge between us.What one don't know,another does.They encourage all questions,concerns,you ask,they come running to HELP you out.Our personal problems do effect our weight loss progress.So,if you have a problem,and need help,and feel like sharing,they will do all they can to help you.I don't know of any other place you can get ALL that and then some.Like tips and recipes.And yes,above all encourgment!You are not alone in the struggles of losing weight.It's not easy to do.But together,we can make headway.So,Good luck ladies.Let's let the skinny girls out as mary says!
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