Old 09-06-2011, 02:58 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Apr 2011
Posts: 3,812

I suspect the majority of people on these boards are similar to you. Some are super achievers, perhaps have neat sewing rooms where they can leave everything out. I am constantly putting things away in other rooms. Then I have to drag it back out. I spend most of my quilting time getting out or putting away my machines, and tools, etc. So you are not alone, plus I don't seem to get any quilting done in the summer/warm weather. Add in husbands, children, ageing parents and poor health-so I estimate I finish one large (queen or king) size quilt a year, plus odd donation sewing, kids quilts and wallhangings. Some people are able to sew from morning till late at night-they get quilts made quickly. Don't worry if you don't get alot done-there are lots of us who are the same way.
Just enjoy doing what you can and don't compare yourself to anyone else. This is supposed to be fun!!!

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