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Old 06-24-2009, 06:57 PM
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: In the middle of a mess...
Posts: 20,025

Oh, that's too funny!
I remember my dad one time was outside with my oldest. She too, at that point had a full diaper. He yelled for me and I was on my way out with everything in hand to change her. I get outside and there he is, holding her in one hand with the hose in the other hosing her off. I wished I had my camera at the was hilarious! My mom came out and saw this and I thought she was going to fall down laughing! Poor kid was just screaming....Grampa! It's cold!! Stop! It's cold! lol
The water from the hose came straight from the well and that water would put icicles on you!
Good thing we lived in the middle of the woods! lol
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