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Old 09-09-2011, 07:03 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Arizona
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You have every right to be so proud. Please tell your son THANK YOU for his service.

Originally Posted by bunniequilter
I can't help but post a pic of my son who is serving in the military. He was one of those kids who hung out with the wrong people and found himself in a very dark and dangerous place. I have had drug dealers pounding on my door at 3 in the morning looking for him. I cornered him and told him that he a choice to make, his filthy disgusting friends or his Mom. Thank the Lord he made the right choice and thank the Lord for the military. He hadn't signed up he would have been found dead in a ditch by now. I'm proud that he understood his choices and had the strength to make the right choice for his family and himself.I went to his graduation and I couldn't believe my eyes when he came out in his dress uniform. He's a big guy at 6'4 and he stood even taller. When that uniform goes on it's as if he is wearing his heart and soul for the world to see. Everytime someone approached him to thank him he would blush like a little girl, it's so funny to see this big rough tough solider blush! Last time I saw him he thanked me and told me he found his place in the world and that he has never been so happy which maked me even happier!
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