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Old 09-09-2011, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by pal
Thank you, Ninnie. What a wonderful tutorial. Now I understand what "threading a few needles at the same time" means. (not what I thought) I have nests of threaded needles in my sewing kit. Also, never thought about using the tape.

Lots of times I get beautiful stitches on the top and nothing on the bottom. Is there a secret to catching the backing? Thank you so much. pal
i know what u mean about the threading of needles. It was awhile before i figured out to thread them on the spool, and then cut length of thread with one needle on it. lol i was doing all mine separate , i would have needles lined up in a row, stuck in top, lol and half the time would end up losing some of them before using.
I did now show a pic, but when i am quilting , it is all about the pointer finger on my left hand, being on the underneath side. I have to feel the needle when i am quilting, and when it hits my finger, i am sure it is through all 3 layers. Also, the tension of your work helps. too lose, and u can miss the bottom. but also too tight and it will bounce off bottom and not catch. It is just something that u will get the hang of with more experience.
1/4 in tape is wonderful, it comes in dif colors. Most quilt shops will carry it.Right now i have the green, and then the beige, that looks like masking tape.
I have used masking tape to mark,sometimes, in a larger square, u might want to do a 1/4 in, and then another round 1 inch in from your first line. I have used different things around the house to make quilting patterns with. the top of a spool makes great circles, and when over lapped, a beautiful rope. So, look around, you will find different things to use.
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