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Old 09-10-2011, 06:15 AM
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Location: Millbrook, Alabama
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My great grandmother was a amazing mother was given 2 of her amazing quilts about 15 years ago...they were works of arts her stitches were soooo mom took both of the quilts to museums and they wanted to display mom did not want to part with them. They were both applique. So about 11 years ago my mom was at my house visiting due to the birth of our second child...well while she was at my house her home burned to the ground....So i went back with her to help her with anything i could...( my mom has 11 children and she had 8 still at home at the time ) . So when we went to the house to see if there was anything we could save , which there was hardly anything...well my mom couldnt handle being there and didnt want to even look. One of the quilts was no longer there...completly gone. But one was on a quilt rack in her bedroom and it was on a wall that was not completely destroyed so i saw the quilt there on the rack...i scooped it up and got back out of that yuck and laid it on the grass....oh my the whole center was burned i cut off the pieces that are still ok....and my plan was to re make this quilt for my mom and maybe put the pieces of this one in a shadow box for to my actual question...if i post some pictures can someone help me design this quilt.....i plan to handquilt this like my great grandmother did but i know that my stitches will be no where near as small as her's.....i took this quilt to my lqs and the ladies there were shocked at the tiny stitches they had never seen them that small....
anyways if you have read this far thanks :)
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