Thread: Hello from Ohio
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Old 09-10-2011, 06:30 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Central Willamette Valley, Oregon, USA
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Originally Posted by tallchick
I have been reading this forum for a while and I must say it is amazing so what else is one to do except join so here I am!!!

I have not sewed in years but hubby thought that I needed a hobby (like I ever have time since even when I am puttering around the house I get endless phone calls can I do this can I do that etc... ). I have always admired beautiful quilts and loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fabric and color so it made perfect sense to take up quilting.

I don't have much room to do so as our house seems to be a revolving door with kids moving in and out, as soon as one leaves another comes home. Hopefully one day I can have a room all to myself, for now I will make due with a folding table in the kitchen. I am looking forward to getting to know more about quliting and everyone in here!!!
Hubby gets a new title here. DH, short for dear hubby, dear husband, dear Heart, etc. He was so right. Kind and smart, he's a keeper!
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