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Old 09-10-2011, 08:11 PM
Google Goddess
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Originally Posted by MTS
Originally Posted by BETTY62
Ok, I don't understand this part. All of the patterns I have used so far have indicated they have allowed for a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Why would making everything else larger increase the seam allowance? And, what would it increase to?
Let's say you have an 6" FINISHED circle that you want to enlarge to 12".

If your template already has the 1/2" included on the pattern template, that means you've started with a 6.5" diameter circle, correct?

So you go to the copier and enlarge it, using 200%.

How big does your new larger circle measure?

13". Because you double the size of the template which included the seam allowance - 6.5" double =13".

And there's nothing wrong with that except you wanted a 12" circle, which meant the diameter should now be 12.5".

A couple of ways around this:
If the template has the line drawn for the seam allowance, then once you enlarge the piece you just trim down the seam allowance to 1/4".

If the template does NOT have a seam allowance, then you still enlarge it 200%, and THEN add the 1/4" seam allowance to the paper before you cut it out (if you work that way), or don't add it to the paper, but add it when you're cutting the template from the fabric.

Or, if there is a seam allowance, you can remove it before enlarging the shape, and then it back on (if you need it).

Seam allowance or no - depends if you're doing fusible, needleturn, machine applique, freezer paper.

Make sense? Or did I confuse you more?
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