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Old 09-12-2011, 06:41 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Im not taking it personally at all. I am saying quilt how you want to quilt but dont put down other quilters because they like something you dont. Ive seen alot of comments about how stiff some quilts are when they are densely quilted...that is NOT always the case. If you use a low loft batting and like dense quilting, sure..its doing to be a little stiff, but if you use a high loft that is not alway the case. So, like I said quilt the way you want, quilt how you like it. I dont thing quilting detracts from one's piecing at all, but rather enhances it; most of the time :) HAPPY QUILTING!!!

Originally Posted by k3n
Originally Posted by be a quilter
Originally Posted by suebee
If one likes dense quilting, whether or not its a show quilt, then whats the big deal? If you dont like it, then dont do it or have it done. Pretty simple. Thats what makes us all unique. How boring would it be if all quilts were handquilted or all quilts were SID or all quilts had minimal quilting? By the way...feathers are a blast to do, oh..did I mention I love them? Do what you like or what makes you happy, but bashing others because you dont like it. well thats just silly. Have fun and Happy Quilting to all.
I don't think anyone is bashing anyone, just people having a discussion on what they like. No need to take it personally.
I also feel that some ppl are 'bashing' as suebee puts it - and I don't think of myself as an over-sensitive type. :?
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