Old 09-13-2011, 07:58 PM
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Join Date: Oct 2010
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Ahh, sorry to hear this Donna. Thoughts and prayers to her DH and to you and your group. Why not make a quilt with a photo of her, with her fabric and tools and give to hubby? or hang at your gatherings?? Im sure she would love that. So sad. {{{HUGS}}}

Not sure the extent of her things, but perhaps your group could use some of these things and then donate to a school or something like that.

Thinking of you All! Sue

Originally Posted by DonnaB
Our quilting group lost a dear quilting friend early this summer, and now her dh has donated all her fabric, tools, rulers, boards, etc. to our group. Any ideas on how to fairly distribute, sell to, auction, or donate all her stuff, equally, to our quilting group? We also want to create a memorial of some type in her name, looking for great ideas!
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