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Old 09-14-2011, 08:04 AM
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Location: Nowhere'sville Ohio (Yorkville!)
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That is so cute! When I saw the topic I had to click on it. Recently somebody told me that the orange striped cats, whatever breed they might be????, are exceptionally good with children. I remember as a child playing with a playfriend's ginger/orange striped cat named Andy. Another girlfriend had a sock monkey with clothes, and the pants had a hole in the back for the sock monkey's tail to fit through. Well, the three of us got the idea to dress Andy in the sock monkey's clothes. Andy cooperated for a while. We dressed him and put him in a little doll buggy and attempted to walk him up and down the street. He looked so cute! LOL At one point he lost interest in playing babydoll, and jumped out of the buggy in his clothes and ran away! LOL LOL I still laugh today thinking about people seeing the cat running through the neighborhood wearing clothes. Through all this child's torture, the cat never once clawed, hissed, or bit any of us. That cat had the most wonderful temperament. Your orange brought back those memories!
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