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Old 09-15-2011, 04:12 PM
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Originally Posted by Airwick156
Originally Posted by arizonagirl
Originally Posted by candi
Absolutely awesome packages have been sent today.

Mary, sorry about the passing of your BIL, may he rest in peace.

Misty Mary, that is a beautiful wall hanging. And I know what you mean about the $10 limit. I don't have a big stash like most people do, so pulling from it is not an option, however, I do have a SP stash box, where i put finds I buy on sale or acquire but know I won't use. I have been participating in this swap since July of 2010, maybe missed a month or two, and I was never disappointed in any of the packages I received; some of them had a lot more than others, but they all contained things in favorite colors, fabrics, etc. So to me, as long as I read my SP's information and send relevant things that are at least $10 worth, I don't feel guilty and you shouldn' is not a competition. Plus, that wall hanging there on its own is worth a lot more than $10.

And I am not joining the bench until I pick my mail up tomorrow and see what's in it :XD: although I'd love some s'mores.
Heck I already got my package so I'm going to the bench just so I can have all of the goodies and keep them company.
NO NO NO....keep your hands off all the goodies...YOU WILL GET FAT.....Goodies are like that you know. LOLOL
But I'm needing to put on a little weight. I have been having problems due to health issues. It's not to bad right now, but a few weeks ago I was down to 115. Also I'm glad to see the picture of your honey. We all can stop worrying about his safty due to a possible missing pattern that may have turned up somewhere
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