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Old 09-15-2011, 04:35 PM
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Originally Posted by Tussymussy
Originally Posted by lawsonmugs
I recieved some PM's asking if something was wrong with me as I hadn't been on here much lately.Last sunday my brother-in-law lost his battle with lung cancer.Today was his funeral.When my husband and I got home I stopped at the end of our driveway and got the mail. There was a huge package from over seas. Yep it was from Tussymussy my secret pal for this month.It was such a wonderful surprise.I must say thank you for not just the package but also the uplift it gave me.Sue is a very warm and wonderful person. We all joke on here but she has become a friend to me.She sent a really pretty lacey blue shawl.She sent one a few months ago to her pal and I fell in love with it.Now I have one of my own. Also I recieved winegums.Now I know what they are. Yeah!!! Also there was a package of 5 flake chocolate bars. They look so good too. She made a beautiful matching set for my purse of a yoyo keychain,tissue cover,tea holder,card holder.Also I recieved Camilla(her chickie),2 very pretty pieces of fabric 1 is a med.brown batik and 1 is med. browns with dark brown siloettes of deer. That's not all .Also a Beef cookbook(I raise beef cattle)a post card of nearby town to her called Kewstoke.also a nail buffer cube.and lastly a Fruit cake recipe with a pack of English mixed spices to go in it.also a cute refrig. magnet that says "Friends are the family we choose for ourselves" that is soooo true,my friend. Oh and I don't want to forget a very cute mugrug she made me. It has a pig,a cow,and a lamb on it. This is a very nice package. thanks so much Sue. Your friend Mary
Mary, my friend, it was an absolute pleasure and I am so glad it arrived at a time when you need some cheer. Lots of hugs for you at this sad time.
I would love to see a picture of this fabulous shawl that you made. One of these days I'll get around to making one for myself. I have never kept anything that I have crocheted for myself. I always give my afghans to others as gifts.
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