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Old 09-16-2011, 08:34 AM
Super Member
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Morganton, North Carolina
Posts: 2,882

I'd like to begin by telling you about my new DH and my three boys, (5,16 & 26), recently completed my "quilt-shack". It's actually a very nice, roomy, 20 x 24 building.....JUST FOR ME!!! and all my "stuff" YEA!!!
I've got lights, lights, and more lights, beautiful french-doors, and the armstrong flooring...that I requested...for ease of cleaning, and the icing on the cake...for me anyway, the cute little wrought-iron daybed...that I just "had to have"...cause I might want to read instead of quilt....yeah, right.
Soooo, I've been going through the house...taking ALL my "craft-stuff" out to my new has it been a job!! Who knew that I had sooooo much...."stuff"!!?? Well, to say it's been making me a little "crazy", or dare I say it, a little "Dr. Seussie". Well, that would be a complete...UNDERSTATEMENT!!!

I've been going through boxes and emptying totes,
Running the vacume and shaking out dust motes.
I've cleaned out the cabinets, and under the beds,
My family keeps grinning and shaking their heads.
I've gone through the closets, and cleaned out my dresser's,
Who would of thought I'd be such a messer? (is that even a word??? eh, it rhymes)
I've found bags full of ribbons, and jars full of buttons,
Can you please tell me why this quilter is such a glutton.
I've picked it up in here, and carried it out there,
Don't you think that just maybe, I should learn to share??
Now my sweet little building is soooo full of "JUNK",
It's made me grumpy and put me in a funk.
So now you're all wondering...what will she ever do?
Will she get it all finished? Will she ever get over feeling so blue?
So here's my decision...I tell you it's true,
I'll just get a cuppa coffee and sit down and talk to you!!!

Whew, I just had to get that out of my system...LOL... thanks for listening my QB friends. Beckie :shock: :D
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