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Old 09-18-2011, 07:43 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: MI
Posts: 81

Just returned from an awesome trip to Glacier National Park!
When I got home 3 beautiful blocks were waiting for me from
TOLEPAINTER, JACIQLTZNOK and FROGQUILTER. Thank you so much! I love them!

These are the blocks I have yet to receive:
wanda 123 (no F8 either)

Since I don't see my name on any of the "missing lists" I assume you have all received my blocks. But just in case, I am waiting for responses from:
CherylW sent 6/6
jaciqltznok sent 6/18
ladyilene sent 5/26
KathyN sent 5/26
nursebonnie sent 6/18
scollard sent 8/31
tolepainter sent 618

If my records are incorrect, please let me know.

I have been considering what I am going to do with all these beautiful blocks. I had planned to make myself a quilt because almost everything I do is for charity. But a wonderful opportunity came up for our guild service project for next June.

Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, MI is offering the first of its kind program to help young people who age out of the foster care system receive a college education. What a great idea for these forgotten kids with no place to go and no one to care for them. That was my inspiration! It just touched my heart. I plan to use half my squares for a twin quilt for that program and maybe one for myself (or maybe another for them!)

These kids are given a "home" on campus for 4 years, including summers and holidays and semester breaks. They receive room and board, tuition, books and a work study job for pocket money. Collections are taken for their essential needs such as bedding, personal hygiene products, cleaning supplies, computer supplies, gift cards, food etc. All their essentials are put into a individual clothes baskets when they arrive and now our guild will be giving them each a quilt for their beds! Typically every year our guild donates around 200 quilted items for our spring project.

I am so excited about this program! If you would like more information PM me and I will send you the web site address.

This is a long message. Thanks for reading!
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