Old 09-18-2011, 06:54 PM
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You guys are great for taking the time to make sure newbies are comfortable and organized. I appreciate it!


Originally Posted by Jennifer22206
Originally Posted by Rn8or
Jennifer22206 wrote no... I'm not too excited for this one.
One Large Group of fabrics cut, letter written and in envelopes - just waiting on addresses!!

Question...what should be on the letter? I'm a newbie :)
For example - using the
In my letter I just said, "I'm Jennifer, this is my 3rd Boom. For this fabric I'm planning on making a quilt for ____ (I'm going to be in 2 groups and sending 3 different fabrics, Elmo, white and Coffee cups so it depends on which group)."

So.. if you receive the Elmo fabric, my DD wants a "bright, happy quilt" so anything goes. The Coffee fabric has a TON of colors in it - so I don't think anyone will be hard pressed to find something that matches. The White one will be going into a Spring/Summer quilt, and I'm asking that only one predominant color (or shade, or pattern) be added to it - either blue, red, orange, yellow, purple, green. It depends on which letter ya'll get. There are 6 of the red,orange,yellow, purple, green and 5 blues going out. I'm making the last blue. There will be my 36 blocks total.

You don't have to send a letter. Typically if you don't send a letter the recipients of the F8th have carte blanche to do whatever they want with it.

Example: In Boom 5 I sent the floral fabric with no note other than Have Fun! and no batik

And for the other group, I sent either the lobster print (my Daddy was a lobsterman) or the ships wheel and requested that the colors found in the fabric or white be added, and requested that no batik be used.

These are what I've received: http://s931.photobucket.com/albums/a...05%20Received/

For me the baggie is just a regular sandwich baggie. My advice is to try to get them as flat as possible! :) You can use cling wrap too - but my DD thought it would be funny to put cling wrap over her face, so I go with the baggie method. Safer all around. :) Especially since my DD loves to "help"
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