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Old 09-19-2011, 04:27 AM
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Join Date: Feb 2009
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some shops insist that fq's should add up to more than the yardage price- because they are paying someone to cut them-(the convienience you pay for for not cutting them yourself)
i asked one time---well why doesn't it cost more if i have to cut a 1/4 yard for someone at the cutting table then?
boy the daggers that flashed! :)
and she took a breath and said- well fq's have to be folded a certain way too- it takes more time- - -
i learned to not ask many questions of the owner in this shop (i worked in for over a year:) )
i still wonder though---how you can go through and raise your prices 30% then post signs all over for a HUGE 20% OFF SALE!!!
some people are (business people) not quilters-and they are there to make money
but bottom line is- pre-cuts cost more than yardage because it costs someone to PRE-CUT and we pay for the convienience-it saves us time-not money
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