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Old 09-19-2011, 06:21 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2011
Location: League City, Texas
Posts: 504

Awhile back a co-worker asked me to make special quilts for his kids and I did. I even ordered special fabric. One was highschool musical and the other wrestling. I made the musical one but have never been paid so I'm not making the other one. I have a hard time asking for money so now I just say sorry I don't have the time or money.
Originally Posted by familyfun
Ok.. I made a purse for myself and took it to work. They went nuts over it. I work in a Very small dept. Only 6 people. One of the girls ask me to make her one. She has 2 kids with another on the way and her husband is having trouble finding another job after getting laid off. So I said. Yes I will make you one and you can just pay for the Pellon. I used scaps I probably would not have used in another project so when it was finished she loved it. I told her $10 dollars. Well did I get the money NO..
My Boss (who I absolutley LOVE) ask me to make her one. She said. I will pay you for your time. She then bought all the supplies (including thread) I made it. she carries it. has gotten compliments on it. But never paid me either..
So Lesson learned .. I will NOT be making anymore purses for people unless I get at least 1/2 the money up front.
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