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Old 09-19-2011, 05:16 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 4,134

Originally Posted by sewnbyme4u
I'm sorry...12 of us from another group are participating in a project. A picture of a pond was cut into 12 equal sections. We were to finish our piece and send back...when all the pieces arrive they will be assembled into a wall quilt. I found two other squares while reading through their blogs...we each can choose our own fabrics and techniques...none of us has seen the entire picture...we only know it is of a pond...
I LOVE seeing those kinds of projects.
I've envisioned our bee doing one as our next Round Robin project.
Each member would pick a picture and cut it up into X pieces. And each month you'd have do a section of another member's picture.
The last round would be putting the pieces together so at the very end, each person gets a totally finished wallhanging.

Oh, and we'd do it QAYG, so each section would be quilted.

Anyway, that's the plan.

Yours looks like it's going to be fabulous success!!
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