Old 09-20-2011, 03:21 AM
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 14

Hi Everyone!
My son and I live on £4 a day for all our shopping, not just food. We go to the supermarket at 3pm (Asda) or 5pm(Tesco) as that's when they mark down the prices more heavily - unless you leave it until just before closing or Midnight! It makes me think I've got one over on them when I buy food cheaply! It used to get me down, living like this, but there are so many ways around to live more cheaply. We have chickens too, 3 or them which cost less than £1 a week and we get around 15 eggs a week. They are delicious! Sometimes I will swap some eggs for treats with friends. They are so like pets as well, come to you when you call their names, follow you everywhere in the garden and sit next to you if you are sitting outside.
Also, do all your supermarket shopping from the lowest shelf. All the own brands and cheaper versions of whatever you're looking at are there. I can't but in bulk as we don't have a car any more. I am worried what I might do if any appliances break, but I suppose then I will save on electricity! It wouldn't be the first time I've washed clothes by walking up and down on them in the bath!!
I think there is always another way of doing everything, you just have to have the energy to think of it!
Best wishes to everyone
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