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Old 09-20-2011, 05:32 AM
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Some of you might remember Jack, the orphan dog who showed up in our back yard and we adopted???? (His pic is my avatar...Well, we had him neutered last week, and when we picked him up, were SHOCKED to see his "package" the size of a bloody purple golf ball.....They WERE the size of 2 small erasers from a pencil. The bruising was all over his private area. We had to put a cone on his head so he couldn't lick, but also couldn't drink or eat!!
It has been a week now, and has shrunken to the size of a ..huge grape, or small hulled black walnut... is still purplish tho. We have had dogs neutered before, and none of them looked like that - THEIRS looked like a buttonhole from the get go..
What I am asking - is this a NORMAL condition?? I asked the vet and they said yes...but they WOULD, 'cause they are the ones that did it - I just need to know YOUR opinions,,thanks...Oh! he is quite active, jumping and carrying on, so it doesn't see to bother him...
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