Thread: Cats
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Old 09-20-2011, 12:14 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Southeast Michigan
Posts: 339

You've probably heard it all by now, but couldn't resist adding another note. We have had cats all my life. At first on the ranch they were the outdoor type. Once married we had indoor cats. I learned:
1. If you get a male, have it neutered. If not they will spray and have a good chance of getting aggressive/possessive if they are kept indoors.
2. If you have a female, get it neutered. They are less likely to be queen bees although they will always have "attitude". Females will (usually) adapt to family and being kept indoors if you get them as kits. I've brought a number of stray females into the house, they have already developed their habits and seem more like loners than team players...a bit antisocial. Not bad, but not the lap cat type.
3. Keep them inside if possible. My vet explained that cats can get heart worms as well as dogs, particularly if they are outside where they can get mosquito bites.
4. Sometimes two are better than one, especially if everyone in your house is gone during the day. A symptom is crying/talking a lot. But then, some cats like to chat. My daughter has one she raised since it was 4 days old. He talks to her constantly -- especially when she's on the phone.
5. They are great critters. Every single one has a distinct personality. Before you get one, spend some time with it/several to see which fits your family best. They seem to pick their people so be prepared!
6. Enjoy!
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