Thread: Cats
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Old 09-20-2011, 02:24 PM
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We have had indoor cats (3) over the last 12 years, all three together for several years. Currently only have one male left. Two were males, one female. If you get a female you will never have to worry about a male changing his habits and starting to mark territory, but any cat may have accidents around the house if the litter box gets yucky (thank goodness mine were never fussy!), or if they get a UTI. Our female was the most cuddly, lovey cat you'd ever want to meet. All were cast offs. DON'T go to a pet store. Find a shelter cat. They will be so happy to have you come there and spend plenty of time getting to know all the cats before you make a decision, and like our female, KatyKat, who was 2 years old, one will probably choose you.
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