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Old 09-21-2011, 10:47 AM
passionforsewing's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Ky
Posts: 88

Originally Posted by Ann63
I have a request for quilters. While making a quilt for my aunt on dialysis, I searched to see if there were in organization that make quilts for dialysis patients. I could not find one. My aunt is always saying how cold it is there and althought at her center they do give them blankets, they are still cold. I read on the internet with cutbacks some hospitals have stopped passing out blankets to dialysis patients who come in for day treatments, they have to bring their own. So I am requesting to my fellow QB members that we make a quilt for at least one dialysis patient for Christmas. My goal is 10, so far I have 3 tops done.
My first husband was on dialysis for about 6 years before passing away 10 years ago. He brought his own blanket and he talked about how cold it was, not just any blanket would do either, for none would keep he warm enough. Just thought I'd let you know.
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