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Old 09-21-2011, 06:24 PM
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Originally Posted by taggertykl
HELP! I've finished hand-appliquing several blocks and now need to go back and do the embroidery. I want to use a gold metallic thread and continue hand-sewing. However, I've tried 4 different metallic threads and every one of them frays. Is there a "secret" to hand-sewing with metallic thread? What brands do you recommend??

I haven't used them but I am under the impression it does take some patience.
There are a few ladies here, that can probably help.
As an alternative, there are many shades of gold or yellow embroidery flosses.
I have the patience, but not the concentration with interruptions, so I'm using different colored flosses.
Can't wait to see yours!
I hope I have something to share soon. :thumbup:
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