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Old 09-21-2011, 11:00 PM
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You left out the cost of pain and suffering, lol. I am only half joking. I went on facebook (THAT *%!#%&#!!* PLACE) today to see if a few friends and relatives had been on, and all the changes drove me straight to my sewing machine. I dragged out my red fabric and muslin patterns, and I started working on my Christmas outfit for Taffy, my chocolate doxie.

It is all done, except for the buttons and button holes, because I have to change threads again, and I fitted it on Mindy, to see if the same size vest would work (it will). But it made my stubborn old shoulder scream in agony just from those few hours of sewing. I can just imagine what hours and hours of quilting must do. So I think you need to add a reasonable surcharge for Pain and Suffering, lol.
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