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Old 09-22-2011, 06:28 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 682

I am working on this. A woman at the quilting group at our State Fair suggested that I use a strip of shelf paper the same size as the side of the quilt, fold it in half and then half again to get the size of each section, then draw the flying geese design to fit. She says you must end each side on the upswing so you can go around the corner which I had already figured out. So this is a challenge and I don't know if I want to spend the time. I have a pattern that is for 1/4 of the circle and if I can enlarge it to the right size, it will work, but the % to increase it is the problem. I figured it out mathmatically as each piece would need to be 9.5 inches and it is now 9 inches. I tried 106% and it came out to 9.25 so have now tried 110% and will measure that. I just hate to give in when I know it can be done.
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