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Old 09-22-2011, 07:37 AM
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: North Central Ohio
Posts: 194

I've had people ask why my quilts cost so much more than the ones in the stores and I've explained about quality fabrics, where the quilts are made, prices paid to the workers there, etc. But, when I explain to them that the quilt I will be making for them will be a one-of-a-kind quilt and not the same as 20,000 other people, they seem to "get it." Of course, not everyone cares about that, but most do. What they/I especially like is when they get to go to the fabric store with me and choose their own fabrics. For them, they get the fabrics they like and I benefit because they get to see the prices I pay for fabric. It' a win-win situation.
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